Our February Partner Window Spotlight is NAMI – MOCA House!

The Orrville Area United Way is proud to partner with NAMI’s MOCA House Recovery Program. The term MOCA stands for Motivating, Optimistic, Caring, and Accepting. MOCA House is dedicated to reducing the isolation of persons with mental illnesses and to improving their quality of life. The MOCA House Program challenges, encourages, and offers hope through peer support, educational services, social and recreational activities, advocacy, and opportunities for community involvement. NAMI Wayne and Holmes Counties is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services as a Peer Run Organization (PRO). They are the only organization of this type in our county. MOCA House recovery services are unique in that peers, along with Recovery Aid staff, are involved in leading or co-leading support and educational groups, planning activities, and developing personal recovery plans. This model leads to increased feelings of empowerment.

MOCA House clients have the opportunity to engage in a variety of programs such as Wellness Recovery Action Plan (an evidence-based program), Health and Wellness programs, Art Therapy, Writing for Wellness, Skill Development classes, Chat with a Cop, Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) team, Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective, Winning Against Relapse, Depression Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), and People Affected by a Loved One’s Suicide (PALS) support groups. MOCA House does not charge for their services, and to remove the barrier of transportation, NAMI has a van to help clients get to and from program meetings.

NAMI collaborates with a wide range of partners in mental health, ensuring that clients experience a continuum of care. They have a referral relationship with case management at Aultman Orrville Hospital. NAMI works closely with local police departments to encourage Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training to educate officers on how to de-escalate mental health crisis situations. Our entire Orrville Police Department has taken part in this valuable 40-hour training! NAMI also provides mental health education at community service clubs, such as Orrville Rotary and the Orrville Exchange Club. Additionally, MOCA House began a traveling art exhibit, ‘Artists Among Us’, where art created at MOCA House is displayed among the local community.

MOCA House contributes to our impact area of Promoting Health & Wellness. We are proud to invest your generous Orrville Area United Way dollars in this program. This vital program makes a direct impact in the lives and homes in our area!