The Orrville Area United Way is pleased to announce that Friendship Meals has been adopted as one of our Percy Programs officially starting January 1st, 2023. A formal Memorandum of Agreement was signed on Monday, May 9th by Friendship Meals Executive Director, Katie LeMasters and the Orrville Area United Ways Director, Dawn Cazzolli and witnessed by members from both of their Boards of Directors and volunteers.
Friendship Meals has been an Orrville Area United Way partner for more than 20 years and is currently serving 180 free car side take home meals every second through fifth Thursday of every month. A typical meal includes a family friendly entrée, vegetable, side, bread and dessert. In 2021 they served 5,305 meals. They are located at the Christ United Church of Christ in Orrville where services start at 5:15pm and end by 6:30pm or when all meals have been served. Friendship Meals unique and defining trait is their no questions asked policy. No one is asked why they need a meal, or expected to give an explanation. They firmly believe that need is not defined solely by financial means.
For more information about the Orrville Area United Way visit or Contact Dawn Cazzolli at 330-683-8181.